
Mystic messenger characters zen hot
Mystic messenger characters zen hot

It's also because of this that he developed a drive to be a prince that inspires loyalty. Between this and finding out that his supposed best friend, a boy who worked at the castle as an archer named Atri, was actually a spy for Lido helping his clan to get revenge on his older brother Izana, as well as that he was deeply jealous and envious of his privileged unbringing, he was likely motivated to develop better social skills as a result. In flashbacks, it's shown that when Zen was younger, he was comparitively more lacking in social skills, especially as evidenced by his cold behavior towards Mitsuhide when he was first assigned to him as an attendant, with him not even realizing he was coming off as rude and hurtful towards him until Mitsuhide directly tells him so. Ever since just meeting her, they get along especially well due to sharing a lot of the same values, and he will quickly come to her rescue without hesitation whenever she's in danger. It also goes without saying that he is especially compassionate and protective towards Shirayuki, even before confessing his love to her. Also, despite his generally easy-going attitude, he still takes his duties as the second prince very seriously, and after excursions from the palace, will often go through workaholic fits where he complete a lot of paperwork in short bursts of time. However, when the people close to him are threatened or in danger, he can quickly get very serious and take a very intimidating, even threatening tone with those who have either done wrong or intend to do wrong to his companions. He is also pretty easy-going and not one for formalities. Due to how well he treats those around him, he inspires a great amount of loyalty, respect and trust in those that follow him. Unlike a decent amount of other nobles of the time, he does not look down on other people based on their social status and is respectful to his aids, servants and commoners alike. Zen has a very kind, caring and straightforward personality. When in more casual circumstances, he occasionally removes his uniform and is often seen wearing a more plain dark blue t-shirt.

mystic messenger characters zen hot

He also occasionally wears a white cape when in especially formal settings or situations. Clothing-wise, he is often seen in his blue uniform, with white pants, blue boots, and pretty much always has his sword equipped at his waist. He have silver/white hair, blue eyes, and is fairly average in terms of height.

Mystic messenger characters zen hot