
Acoustica mixcraft help
Acoustica mixcraft help

acoustica mixcraft help

What about Clap support? Why not support Clap!? It’s an open standard. Mixcraft has always been able to handle VST 2.x plugins quite well - it was regarding VST3s specifically where it failed considerably. The v9.471 patch was not much more than a duct-taped, semi-sufficient workaround at best. And please don’t give us the feeble line that v9.471 “fixed” VST3 issues because it really didn’t. Nevertheless, I see no mention of MX 10 being capable of properly handling VST3s now. I see that you’ve made a nod in Reaper’s direction a little bit with regard to VST sandboxing. The revitalized piano roll editor is really exciting I always considered Mixcraft’s midi editor to be one of the best.

acoustica mixcraft help

Thankfully, Acoustica has finally addressed that sorely lacking need. The plugin manager (which I wrote about a few times) is at least 5 years overdue. The new interface looks great yet it goes without saying that IF it weren’t scaleable, version 10 wouldn’t move off the shelves very quickly in today’s UHD and 4k world.


Be that as it may, maybe you could have out-sourced some programming duties to a qualified 3rd party team to develop actual Acoustica-branded plugins instead of just using past generation free stuff from Jeroem at Toneboosters and inexpensive 32 bit fare from G-Sonique. Sheesh! Why not partner with Audified, or Nembrini, or Overloud, or some other developer who makes pro-grade amp sims? I understand that Acoustica’s Dan is going two ends to the middle between working on Acoustica stuff plus crafting vintage-y looking Cherry Audio synths as often as possible. I’m not dissing Aleksey’s dandy freeware - it’s quite good - but, I am wondering why you couldn’t come up with something better.

acoustica mixcraft help

I noticed that you elected to bundle the free Voxengo guitar amp/distortion sim into the current iteration of Mixcraft. I see a lot of the same ole G-Sonique plugins bundled with version 10 “Pro” - are they now native 64 bit, or are they still just the old 32 bit “hanger on-ers”?

Acoustica mixcraft help